ok so today was okay...
i went to school and i went to both of my classes but got a shit load of math HW that im probably not gonna finish and i was hungry the whole day cause i dont eat anything till like 1ish at the earliest...
and i was craving Ikea like CRAZY! and i was all excited when cedric said he'll go with me. then i told him to invite kevin julian and allen too. but he texts me back and he's like imma just go with them to churches and of course john wants to go...
and for anyone who doesnt quite know me- i am the pickiest eater EVER! like i hate to eat many things including chicken... and so i was a little upset...
anyways so i either stay at home alone which i hate or watch them eat which i also hate but at least im not alone and ill get to see cedric.
so we go and they're already eating their food and sitting at a table for 4 when theres 6 of us and so i sit by myself. and cedric pretty much ignores me like the whole time... but whatever... and when hes finally done he comes to sit with me and asks what i want to eat... well im like STARVING! but i hate being the only one eating. so i tell him to just take me home.
then were supposed to give allen a ride home and i kept locking the door and the light turned green and so cedric starts yelling at me. i know it was dumb that i was doing that but i was already mad and allen kept giving me shit about andrew (his little brother) for the previous night.
dont even get me started on that...
so anyways... then when hes all mad at me he drops off allen then he wanted to stay over for a bit and i told him i really dont care. cause i wasnt in the mood to talk or anything for that matter... so i just got out of the car and went inside. im guessing he didnt wanna stay since he left. but whatever.
so i just went upstairs and danced i know it sounds stupid but get over it. and im not all hip hop. so i wasnt doing that...
whatever i did that for like half an hour.. then picked up daniella.
i dont know what is wrong with me i have like so much emotion like i dont know. im like happy then sad then pissed then happy again. im so lame. fuck i hate this.
i sound so gay god damn.
i feel bad for the girls at practice... im not in a good mood...
well i have to take daniella (she keeps bitching) to practice maybe ill blog more later...
sorry for the lame blog...