Saturday, June 28, 2008


ok so my i was at my cousins graduation party right now and i just got home because my legs were killing me!

the reason being the sick ass bug bites i have!

not so bad...

a little worse...


so they're super itchy, and they're pretty painful :(

i cant really do anything :(

i just thought you should see the intensity of the bites haha

the end


geezy said...

that was the last thing i wanted for you to blog about! hahaha

i hear you complain about it so much already i just wanted to read about something different

at least you're blogging

k you're coming now so byeeeeeeeee

SDEEZ said...

slice it open. maybe there's spiders. jk.

vinh bui said...

hahahahahha sedine! thats gross